So. It’s half way through September of senior year. I’m moved in, I’m settled into the swing of things, and I’m freaking out about the future. This is it. My final chance to enjoy college and live a relatively worry-free life. In about a year, loan bills will start rolling in, and with each payment I make I am determined that I will feel the experiences of the last four years were worth the price tag.
As a PR major, I love to plan. As a PR major, it is also difficult to plan because many jobs won’t consider you until you are a month or two away from graduation. So now, I wait. I plan. I enjoy life. And I hope that all the jobs, internships, and extracurricular activities will be worth it.
Who am I am why am I writing this? Well… at the very basic level, I am a college student who tends to procrastinate from school work... Not because I don’t think it is important, but mostly because I have so many other things going on in my life. I always manage to get it all done on deadline with good marks, so it isn’t a huge concern. I also love to write. I am hoping I can use this blog to help me have productive procrastination… And I know I have a blog assignment coming up later in the semester… so really I’m not even procrastinating!
Well… I could spend several hundred words describing who I am, my life experiences, and what I hope to do in the future. OR I could just show you the single document that is going to define me to every HR person I’ll interact with. I’ll begin my introducing myself the way that I will be introduced going forward. I want to start my blog the way I will begin my career, with my resume. As time goes on, I’ll share my experiences, a bit about my personal life, and my thoughts on the PR world, but as in the work place, I want to feel things out to decide what the right balance is. So, for now, you can view my resume here. And visit my page on